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Nylon6 HOY
Products Spec. Description
Nylon 6 HOY SD 20D/6F、30D/12F、40D/12F、45D/12F、70D/24F、70D/48F、70D/68F
Product description:
High oriented yarn, increase the spinneret plate stretching through a substantial increase fiber to degree, so as to improve the strength and reduce the degree of stretching, the yarn fabric fashion, smoothing, satin brocade effect, with common sense and appearance, mainly used in Tangzhuang fabrics, long barrel fashion mesh women, etc..
  Nylon6 FDY
  Nylon6 POY
  Nylon6 HOY
  Texturing DTY
Copyright@2014 Hangzhou Wentao Nylon Co., Ltd All rights reserved  ICP2021004565-1  ֧֣ݾ޴Ƽ޹˾
Address: No.78 Guoxing Road, Kanshan Industrial Park, Guali Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City     Tel:0571-83581086